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Lines open: 9am – 9pm | 7 days a week
Trusted By 1000s
Lines open: 9am – 9pm | 7 days a week
Trusted by 1000s
Call us: 0161 509 9077
Even better, the sustainable credentials of SIPs panels for garden rooms make your new building very environmentally friendly, thanks to the low energy required in the construction of the panels. Of course, the enhanced thermal performance also saves money on heating or cooling your new garden room.
Because SIPs create an airtight space, the insulation and sealing is excellent. You benefit from a garden room that’s warmer in winter, cooler in summer and generally has a very good internal comfort.
The faster construction comes about because of the prefabricated nature of the panels. Assembling the walls, roof and flooring are better and easier with SIPs than with other construction materials.
You can also feel comfortable that the materials used are sustainable. The wood used is all from renewable sources and even the insulation uses less energy than other types of insulation. Above all, less materials are used constructing your new garden room.
Call: 0161 509 9077